
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Significance of the Title "Kyrios": Jesus is Lord in the New Testament

     Some modern Christians do not realize that the Scriptures of the New Testament authors were not generally the Hebrew writings of the Old Testament but instead the Greek translation of those texts called the Septuagint (LXX), which were translated beginning in the 3rd century BC (Jobes & Silva, 2000).      This is demonstrated by the fact that up to 90% of the New Testament quotations of the Old Testament are from the LXX (Harris, Archer, & Waltke, 1980). This is significant for several reasons. Since the authors of the New Testament were also writing in Greek, it allowed for an "apples to apples" rendering of various words and concepts from the Old Testament into the New Testament (Comfort, 2008). The most significant example of this is in the word "Kyrios." Most often translated as "LORD," it was used by the Jewish translators of the Hebrew into Greek as the word for the personal covenant name of God, YHWH, the tetragrammaton. In this context

The Shroud of Turin: Tracing its Early History and Provenance

    The Shroud of Turin, an enigmatic and venerated relic in Christian history, has fascinated believers and skeptics alike. Known for its mysterious image of a crucified man believed by many to be Jesus Christ, the Shroud has been the subject of extensive research and is one of the most studied objects in the history of the world. The STURP Project, the only sanctioned study of the Shroud concluded, "We can conclude for now that the Shroud image is that of a real human form of a scourged, crucified man. It is not the product of an artist."       While it gained widespread public attention in the 14th century, numerous references and depictions suggest that it existed long before this period. Here, I will delve into the documented mentions and illustrations of the Shroud prior to its public reveal, tracing its journey through various historical contexts and geographies, clearly antedating the carbon-14 dating. Special thanks to Joe Marino, who collected many of these mention