
Showing posts from June, 2013

Evidence of a Race of Giants in Prehistory?

I have compiled a document containing dozens of articles from many periodicals, including the New York Times, and Scientific American, citing of discovery of giant skeletons. Look at that document  HERE. Here is a video I made with those articles as well: This is the Introduction from that document, but look at the news articles yourself, even if just the headlines! Evidence of a Race of Giants in Pre-History - From sources such as the New York Times and Scientific American. Genesis 6:4 “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of  God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same  became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” For those who are Biblically-minded, that which the Bible states is true in all circumstances, even if modern  science has yet to affirm it independently. There are many sound reasons for this: • First, our very real spiritual experience of ...

I'm Forgetting Who I Was, And I Don't Like It.

This year, I celebrate my 10th anniversary as a Christian. As happy as I am about that, I have noticed a certain unfortunate side-effect: The circle of people in my life now no longer know who I once was. For the record, I am happy they didn't know the old me, but then again, the drama of the sanctifying power of Christ is lost. They can't see the before and after, only the after.The people in my life now simply assume I have always been basically a moral, very religious person. When I tell people otherwise, they think it is a bad joke. I used to be unrecognizably different. I am one of those people who had a very dramatic conversion, not only in the sense of joy and zeal, but from the mess I was delivered from.  I regularly explored mind-scapes derived from the highs of psychedelic drugs. I considered myself a "psychonaut", an astronaut of the mind. I actively hated and persecuted Christians. I studied the occult traditions from diverse religions and mys...

Church Fail: Virginity

[Note: This post is in no way meant to be anti-marriage, but pro-celibacy. Neither is addressing this topic a reflection or thought of regret upon my own blessed marriage.] This issue may seem trivial to many, but I am committed to following the doctrine of the Lord - the whole counsel of it. Many are undisturbed by the differences of the apostolic church and our present day manifestation. Addressing this issue is simply to show another area where we err to our own detriment. Virginity in the modern secular world has become a badge of shame. One is made to feel unwanted, undesirable, and unattractive, or else called a "prude" or "stuck up". In the modern Christian world, virginity is merely the purgatorial state that one must endure before finding the "one" in marriage. God forbid, if they make it to 30 unmarried, there must be something wrong with them. Most Christian young people believe they are just waiting until the person God has for them shows ...