Yoga In Schools Violates No Prayer in School
I recently saw this segment on the Early Show: It is a unabashed endorsement for the practice of Yoga in schools. The segment shows the apparent virtues of this practice: higher test scores, better behavior, and a general sense of well-being from the students. The students claim to love it, and it is lauded by superintendents and non-profits, whose goal is to incorporate Yoga into school curriculum. I am bringing all of this up only as a matter of principle for this one reason: Yoga is prayer. It is true, Yoga is not conventional western or familiar in its form - but make no mistake, it is prayer. The word "Yoga" itself is a Sanskrit word meaning "yoke", from a root, "yuj", which means to "join, unite or attach". Hence the inherent spiritual goal is a joining, a uniting or attachment to the divine. Now, there are various disciplines and schools of Yoga, but all of their practice is for spiritual attainment or unity to Brahman with Atma...